Content Removal Request / Antrag auf Entfernung von Inhalten

This form provides a method for you to report copyright violations as well as illegal or non-consensual content. We will strive to respond to your report as quickly as possible in a fair and reasonable manner. We intend to resolve all reports within seven (7) business days and provide clear guidelines to prevent issues from recurring. If a violation has occurred, we will determine the appropriate remedy and take the necessary action. Any content deemed to be illegal will be removed immediately. We will not act against other users for activity that happens on another platform or offline. In instances where disputes over consent cannot be resolved internally, such disputes can be referred to a neutral arbitration association. Once an action has been taken, or if more information is needed from you, we will contact you by email.

Mit diesem Formular können Sie Urheberrechtsverletzungen sowie illegale oder unzulässige Inhalte melden. Wir werden uns bemühen, auf Ihre Meldung so schnell wie möglich, fair und angemessen zu reagieren. Wir beabsichtigen, alle Meldungen innerhalb von sieben (7) Werktagen zu lösen und klare Richtlinien zur Verfügung zu stellen, um ein erneutes Auftreten des Problems zu verhindern. Sollte ein Verstoß festgestellt werden, werden wir geeignete Abhilfemaßnahmen festlegen und die erforderlichen Schritte einleiten. Alle als rechtswidrig eingestuften Inhalte werden unverzüglich entfernt. Wir werden nicht gegen andere Nutzer für Aktivitäten vorgehen, die auf einer anderen Plattform oder offline stattfinden. In Fällen, in denen Streitigkeiten über die Zustimmung nicht intern gelöst werden können, können solche Streitigkeiten an eine neutrale Schlichtungsstelle weitergeleitet werden. Sobald eine Maßnahme ergriffen wurde oder wenn weitere Informationen von Ihnen benötigt werden, werden wir Sie per E-Mail kontaktieren.

Required Information / Benötigte Informationen

URL(s) of the Content You Wish to Report / Betroffene URL(s):

What Are You Reporting? / Worüber möchten Sie sich beschweren?

Are you depicted in this content? / Werden Sie in diesen Inhalten abgebildet?

Issue(s) / Art des Verstoßes:

Brief Description of Issue / Kurze Beschreibung:

Please provide any additional information which might help us to resolve your request. If you are submitting a request on behalf of someone else appearing in the content, please provide your association to this person.

Bitte geben Sie alle zusätzlichen Informationen an, die uns bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage helfen könnten. Wenn Sie eine Anfrage im Namen einer anderen Person einreichen, die im Inhalt erscheint, geben Sie bitte Ihre Verbindung zu dieser Person an.

By submitting this report, you certify, under penalty of perjury, that you are the person named in this report and all information provided by you is accurate and complete.

Durch das Einreichen dieses Berichts bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die in diesem Bericht genannte Person sind und alle von Ihnen bereitgestellten Informationen korrekt und vollständig sind.

Complaint Policy
(1) Introduction: This document sets out our complaints policy. If you are a User of, this Complaints Policy forms part of your agreement with us.

(2) Interpretation: In this Complaints Policy, defined terms have the same meanings given to them in the Terms & Conditions. In addition, the term "business days" means any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Germany.

(3) Who can use this Complaints Policy: Whether or not you are a User of, you can use this Complaints Policy to alert us to any complaint which you have relating to

(4) How to make a complaint: If you have a complaint about, (including any complaint about Content appearing on, or the conduct of a User), please submit your complaint by completing our online form on this page. You are required to complete all mandatory fields, provide a description of your complaint and, if your complaint relates to Content, the URL for the Content to which your complaint relates.

(5) How we deal with complaints of illegal or non-consensual content: Following receipt of your complaint of illegal or non-consensual Content under section 4 above:

We will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate resolve your complaint within 7 business days.

If we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know.

We will in good faith investigate your complaint and take the following action:

If we are satisfied that the Content is unlawful or non-consensual, we will immediately remove such Content, and we will notify you of our decision by email or other electronic message.

If we are satisfied that the Content is not unlawful or non-consensual, we will notify you of our decision by email or other electronic message.

Any dispute regarding our decision on non-consensual content will be submitted by us to a neutral arbitration association at our expense.

(6) How we deal with complaints related to copyright infringement: Complaints related to copyright infringement must be submitted in accordance with our DMCA Policy, and we will respond to copyright infringement complaints as set out in such policy.

(7) How we deal with other complaints: Following receipt of other complaints (including complaints related to other breaches of our Acceptable Use Policy) under section 4 above:

We will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint within a timescale which is appropriate to the nature of your complaint.

If we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know.

We will in good faith take such actions as we consider appropriate to deal with the issue which your complaint has raised. If you have complained about content which appears on and we are satisfied that the content otherwise breaches our Acceptable Use Policy, we will act quickly to remove such content.

We are not obligated to inform you of the outcome of your complaint.

(8) Unjustified or abusive complaints: If you are a User of, you warrant (which means you make a legally enforceable promise) that you will not make any complaint under this Complaints Policy which is wholly unjustified, abusive, or made in bad faith. If we determine that you have breached this warranty, we may suspend or terminate your User account.

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